Cotto Rettificato Rosa
Adjusted Pink Terracotta 600 450 Krei

Adjusted Pink Terracotta

Cotto Rettificato Giallo
Adjusted Yellow Terracotta 600 450 Krei

Adjusted Yellow Terracotta

Cotto Nero
Black Terracotta 600 450 Krei

Black Terracotta

Bucchero 600 450 Krei


Cotto Giallo
Cotto Ars Vetus Yellow 600 450 Krei

Cotto Ars Vetus Yellow

Cotto Moka
Moka Terracotta 600 450 Krei

Moka Terracotta

Cotto Levigato Rosa
Polished Pink Terracotta 600 450 Krei

Polished Pink Terracotta

Cotto Levigato Giallo
Polished Yellow Terracotta 600 450 Krei

Polished Yellow Terracotta

Cotto Grezzo Rosa
Raw Pink Terracotta 600 450 Krei

Raw Pink Terracotta

Cotto Grezzo Giallo
Raw Yellow Terracotta 600 450 Krei

Raw Yellow Terracotta

Cotto Lisciato Rosa
Smoothed Pink Terracotta 600 450 Krei

Smoothed Pink Terracotta

Cotto Lisciato Giallo
Smoothed Yellow Terracotta 600 450 Krei

Smoothed Yellow Terracotta

Cotto Rosa
Terracotta Ars Vetus Pink 600 450 Krei

Terracotta Ars Vetus Pink

Cotto Carteggiato Rosa
Terracotta Carteggiato Pink 600 450 Krei

Terracotta Carteggiato Pink

Cotto Carteggiato Giallo
Terracotta Carteggiato Yellow 600 450 Krei

Terracotta Carteggiato Yellow

Cotto Bianco
White Terracotta 600 450 Krei

White Terracotta

Photo Credits

pavimento in marmo corridoio

Architecture and interior design: Marta Fegiz + Les Arch studio – Roma
Photo: Valerio Stopponi
Made by:
Location: Roma

Camino in marmo

Photo: Caterina Zavattaro
Made by:
Location: Roma

bancone in marmo

Architecture and interior design: DK Architetture –
Photo: Alessandro Vitali
Made by:
Location: Reserva, Via del Pellegrino Roma

dettaglio top in marmo

Architecture and interior design: Surf Engineering Srl Roma
Photo: Caterina Zavattaro
Made by:
Location: Il San Lorenzo – Via dei Chiavari 4/5 Roma

pavimento ristorante in marmo

Architecture and interior design: Arch Daniela Colli –
Photo: Matteo Piazza
Made by:
Location: Milano – Motta 1928