Marble, Granite and Onyx
Style and solidity carved over time
Artisan experience combined with cutting-edge technological processes for an outstanding production.
Always discovering new materials and design finishes to create unique and exclusive projects.
Room for imagination. The selection of marble, granite and onyx from all over the world has no boundaries.
Marble, Granite and Onyx
Style and solidity carved over time
Artisan experience combined with cutting-edge technological processes for an outstanding production.
Always discovering new materials and design finishes to create unique and exclusive projects.
Room for imagination. The selection of marble, granite and onyx from all over the world has no boundaries.
What we do
An always available support service, to consider and choose the best solution, providing a large number of materials and finishing options.
At the designer’s office or at the company’s headquarters, expertise and services for the development of indoor and outdoor designs, as well as for hotels, bar, restaurants, offices etc.
Long lasting tradition and experience entrusted to the best craftsmen, along with a wide selection of marbles, granites and onyxes from all over the world, to satisfy every request, according to the customers’ and designers’ taste and flair. Attention to detail and care for production, always performed with cutting-edge machinery controlled by specialized personnel, that give way to the expert hands of artisans and sculptors for the creation of special finishes and details.
Selection, supply and installation of marbles, granites and onyxes
A variety of materials of the highest quality, sourced from quarries all over the world. This is where our imagination guides us towards creation. Krei works alongside architectural firms and companies in the selection and design of surfaces, furnishing accessories and decorations, from designing stage to final installation.
We are specialized in the processing of marble, granite and onyx, providing the experience of excellent craftsmen for exclusive hand finishes.
The team of installers, with a strong background of many years of experience, is always available throughout the entire design cycle, combining technique and aesthetic sense.
Recovery and maintenance of floorings, wall claddings, kitchen and bathroom countertops
Krei takes good care of the materials by following all the delicate stages of the maintenance of floors and coverings, kitchen and bathroom tops, giving them brilliance and elegance. Marble, an extremely resistant material by its very nature, yet requires maintenance interventions to prevent its quality from being compromised.
Specific cleaning and protecting of marble and natural stones are fundamental among our services, that we carry out with extreme care using highly professional staff, machinery and products.
Recommended for the hotel and residential branch, for all problems due to limescale, wear or contact with acids.
Acid-resistant treatment for marble
Food-grade certified treatments that guarantee protection from acidic substances to surfaces such as marble and stone.
Applied strictly manually and by highly specialized personnel, it guarantees an extremely high-quality result and prevents surface alterations, leaving no removable films.
Suitable for kitchen tops, bathroom tops and tables, it can be applied on different types of marble and stone, with both polished and brushed finishes.
Recommended for hotels, bars and restaurants, it protects against acids present in wine, lemon, perfumes and preserves the surface from abrasion, leaving the material completely natural.
Recovery and Restore
An extremely fine material, the recovery of marble is a very delicate operation, also considering the state of conservation of the material.
Krei can provide support by carrying out accurate surveys of floors and wall claddings.The intervention on the marble includes possible supplements in line with the original by comparing sought-after and previously selected marbles by colour and type of material.
supporting creativty
CNC (Computer Numerical Control) with 4 and 5 axes, cutters, lathes, water-jet and laser pantograph, capable of engraving and reproducing images on stone surfaces. These is part of the equipment for the production of interior and exterior furnishings, floorings, bathrooms, kitchens and furnishing accessories for unique environments.
supporting creativty
CNC (Computer Numerical Control) with 4 and 5 axes, cutters, lathes, water-jet and laser pantograph, capable of engraving and reproducing images on stone surfaces. These is part of the equipment for the production of interior and exterior furnishings, floorings, bathrooms, kitchens and furnishing accessories for unique environments.